Create a lifestyle brand that combines the already established mood of Fishcamp Custom homes with the adventurous outdoor living of the Montana outdoors.
Fishcamp Creative birthed after a year long YouTube experiment. Well.. experiment might be too fancy of a word; the project as a whole started off as very undefined: Fishcamp Custom wanted to document how they built their custom Montana homes, but they didn't quite know how that process would look.
So, I branded the YouTube channel, started creating illustrations and other schwag, started an additional channel, and one year later, a new business came from it all.
Fishcamp Creative is an outdoor sporting lifestyle creative media company, bringing a fresh perspective and voice to the outdoor sporting world.
We went through a million and one ideas for the logo. The goal was to capture the meaning of the name "Fishcamp," while also showing what the outdoor lifestyle means to us.
We played around with fish, patterns, tents, abstract shapes, landscapes and ultimately we settled on the classic pitched tent in the circle, which also ties back to the parent company logo: Fishcamp Custom.

And so, the Fishcamp Creative brand was born:

Client Work:

Pitch Decks:
