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How Much Do You Charge for a Mural?

Writer's picture: BrelseBrelse

Just like every mural is a different piece of artwork, the way you price yourself might be a little different each time, as well.

The best question to ask a prospective client when they are inquiring about a job is: what is your budget? Everyone has an ideal budget (and, the budget should certainly never be free). Even if a propective client responds with: "I've never done this before, I don't know how to estimate that sort of cost. Just tell me what you would charge me." Lazy clients are the worst, don't even get me started. If they are serious about wanting a mural, they will have a budget in mind, even if it's a range.

Once they tell you their budget, then you can figure out if a) that's a price you're willing to work with, b) how you will scale your art and detail according to that budget, and c) if you need to negotiate more value. Just because a prospective client has a low budget doesn't necessarily mean that they don't value your art.

Aside from guaging what you will charge for a mural based on the budget restrictions, there are other ways to calculate what a potential project will cost. This is usually a formula of sorts, something like:

(square footage x amount of detail) + prep work + supplies + original artwork creation + full copyright transfer (if applicable)

We're artists, we love math, don't we? There is no linear way of genearting a one-size-fits-all when it comes to how to determine what to charge for a mural. The best first step is seeing what your client can afford, and if it's small but you really want to paint, can you live with that. And, if you're bidding on a project, just take a few of those elements from the formula into account, and pop off some numbers!

I hope this helps! Happy painting.

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